The TMAE is a free online community for trademark and other IP administrators, paralegals, legal assistants, docketers, & more to share resources and learn from one another. Learn more here.
Join our TMA Community!
By joining, you accept TMAE’s terms. Once you're approved, you’ll receive an email with instructions to join the community. Make sure to follow the My Member Settings link in the email to set up your profile so that you’ll receive the group’s emails.
If you don't see an email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder; otherwise, reach out to bri<at> for help!
What are the expectations for participating in the TMAE?
The TMA Exchange is for trademark paralegals, docketers, legal secretaries, and other administrators. The TMAE is a place for respectful conversation, helpful resources, and community bonding. Solicitations, pitches, and trolling are strictly prohibited. Posting mean, rude, discriminatory, intolerant, or otherwise disrespectful comments will result in your being removed from this group. Together we'll make TMAE a space where TMAs can thrive.
What other resources would you recommend for TMAs?
In addition to the TMAE, there are tons of helpful and free trademark and IP resources on Alt Legal’s Paralegal Resources Page, blog, and events page. And if you haven’t already taken Alt Legal’s free Trademark Paralegal Course, we’d highly recommend it; it’s a great way to learn new skills or brush up on old ones.
How did the TMAE start?
Frustrated with the limited resources available for trademark administrators (TMAs), Nehal Madhani—Alt Legal's founder and CEO—and Bri Van Til—Alt Legal's Director of Education—created the TMAE as a dedicated community and resource for trademark administrators. So many TMAs have had to learn on the job and only developed a network of colleagues after years of being in the industry. Our vision is for the TMA Exchange to foster a helpful and supportive environment for TMAs to continuously learn from and support each other. Members have embraced this vision, responding with lightning speed to help their peers navigate the complexities of the trademark industry.